Friday, 9 January 2015

Q1.          Show that cov(aX,Y) = a cov(X,Y).
E(X) is the expected value of the random variable X is the mean or average value of X.
COV(aX, Y)           = E([aX – E(aX)][Y – E(Y)])
                = E([aX – aE(X)][Y – E(Y)])
                                = E(a[X – E(X)][Y – E(Y)])
                                = aE([X – E(X)][Y – E(Y)])
                                = aCOV(X,Y)
2. State principle of least squares.
Ans:        Least squares, also called "regression analysis", is a computational procedure for fitting an equation to a set of experimental data points. The criterion of the "best" fit is that the sum of the squares of the differences between the observed data points, (Xi,Yi), and the value calculated by the fitting equation, Ycalc
(Xi), i.e.: SUM [Yi - Ycalc(Xi)]2 is a minimum. The reason for using the square is to make all of the differences positive numbers.
3. Find the coefficient of linear correlation between the variables X and Y given in the table.
X    1    3    4    6    8    9    11    14
Y    1    2    4    4    5    7    8      9
Also obtain the regression equation of Y on X for the data.
Coefficient of Linear Correlation
Step-1: Calculate the average of X and Y
Xm = 56/8 = 7
Ym = 40/5 = 8
Step-2: Calculate the standard deviation of X and Y data sets:
σx=√1/N((x1-xm)2+ …(xn-xm)2
Similarly, σy=2.598
Step-3: Calculate the covariance between the two data sets.
σxy=1/N[(x1-xm)(y1-ym)+(x2-xm)(y2-ym)+ … +(xn-xm)(yn-ym)]
= 1/8[(1-7)(1-5) + (3-7)(2-5) + (4-7)(4-5) + (6-7)(4-5) + (8-7)(5-5) + (9-7)(7-5) + (11-7)(8-5)+(14-7)(9-5)]
= 10.5
Step-4: The correlation coefficient is defined as:
r =
= 10.5/(4.062 X 2.598) = 0.994970565 = 1 (approx).
Regression equation of y on x
Regression equation is y = a + bx
Where b=

a =         - b

Consider the following table:
xi             yi             xi2           xiyi
1              1              1              1
3              2              9              6
4              5              16            16
6              4              36            24
8              5              64            40
9              7              81            63
11            8              121          88
14            6              196          126
50            40            524          364
Last row is the sum of the each column.
n = 8, b = 8(364) – 56(40)/(8(524) – 56(56)) = 672/1056 = 0.636
a = 40/5 – 0.636(56/8) = 0.548
Thus, the equation is y = 0.548 + 0.636x.

Operating System Questions

DOEACC January, 2014
Q1.    Differentiate between tightly coupled systems and loosely coupled systems.
Q2.    Differentiate between Multitasking and Multiprogramming systems.
Q3.    Differentiate between Process and thread.
Q4.    Differentiate between Pre-emptive and Non-preemptive scheduling algorithms.
Q5.    What are the four main modules of an Operating System?
Q6.    What is an access control list? How is it used to secure data for the users?
Q7.    What is compaction in the context of variable-sized partition memory management scheme?

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Why are firewalls preceded by routers and not the reverse? Are there any scenarios in which it makes sense to reverse the norm?

Ans: Quite simply, routers are faster than firewalls. A router is a relatively simple networking device designed solely to get packets from point A to point B. In terms of unit cost, it's generally much cheaper for a router to handle a packet than for a firewall to analyze it. Additionally, there are a lot of "junk" packets out there on the Internet, as a result of port scanning and other malicious activity.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

VB Practical list

A. Programs using IF---ELSE statements

Q1. Create a VB project to perform a temperature converter. The program will perform following operations---
  • User will select the conversion option ( degree/Fahrenheit)
  • User will input a value to convert of his choice
  • User will click a <convert button> to convert it
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q2. Create a VB project to find out the maximum of three numbers. The program will perform following operations-----
  • User will input three numbers
  • User will click a <find greatest> to find out the greatest number
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q3. Create a VB project to perform marks calculations. The program will perform following operations-----
  • User will input marks for six subjects as well as total marks in each subject.
  • User will click a <calculate> to calculate the total marks
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • The program should also show the necessary results (Pass/Fail/div/dist.)
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q4. Display a form where you can view the grade of students after counting the average marks of each student. (Please give facility for entering marks from the keyboard, maximum marks in a subject can be 100. Also check for errors in inputs. )
  • average >=75 then Grade A
  • average >=60 and average <75 then Grade B
  • average >40 and average <60 then Grade C
  • Otherwise Grade D

Q.5 Write an appropriate block of statements that will examine the value of a single-precision variable to Temperature. The temperature should be inputted through the keyboard. Conditions--------------
(i) "Ice", if the value of Temperatureis less than 0.
(ii) "Water", if the value of Temperature lies between 0 and 100.
(iii) "Stream", if the value of the Temperatureexceeds 100.


B. Programs using select-----case statements

Q6. Create a VB project to perform a currency exchange program. The program will perform following operations---
  • User will select the currency name ( US dollar/sterling/swiss franc/yen/Saudi riyal)
  • User will input an amount
  • User will click a <convert button> to convert it
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • The program will show the equivalent amount in rupees.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.
List of Currency name
Equivalent amount in Rupees
Swiss Franc
Saudi riyal

Q7. Create a VB project to perform a day indicator. The program will perform following operations-----
  • User will input a number between 0 and 6
  • Condition: 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday
  • The program will show ‘invalid day’ if number is not in the given range.
  • User will click a <show day> to show the respective day
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q.8. Create a VB project to perform a simple calculator. The program will perform following operations---
  • User will select the operation (0 for addition /1 for subtraction/2 for multiplication/3 for division)
  • User will input two numbers
  • User will click a <calculate button> to perform the selected operation
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • The program will show ‘invalid option’ if number is not in the given range.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the

Q9. Create a VB project to perform a Railway fare calculator. The program will perform following operations-----
  • User will select a class ( from a list) {AC-2ties/ac-3tier/first class/second class/slipper/general}
  • User will click a <calculate fare> to calculate the fare
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program

C. Programs using for---next statements

Q10. Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
13 15 17 19
7 9 11
3 5
The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the
Q11. Create a visual basic form to FIND OUT THE SUM OF THE FOLLOWING SERIES.
The number of terms should be inputed should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the

Q12. Create a VB project to perform Factorial calculator. The program will perform following operations-----
  • User will input a number to find out its factorial
  • User will click a <calculate> to calculate the factorial
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q13. Create a VB project to perform a power function operation. The program will perform following operations-----
  • User will input two numbers one is as number itself and other is as its raising power.
  • User will click a <calculate> to calculate the operation
  • User have to create a function Power (number as first argument, power value as second argument)” which will be activated once the calculate button is clicked.
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q.14. Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q.15 Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
1 2 1
1 2 3 2 1
The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

D. Programs using do---while/while---wend statements

Q16. Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
* * * *
* * *
* *
The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the
Q17. Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
1 2 3 2 1
1 2 1
The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the

Q18. Create a VB project to perform Factorial calculator. The program will perform following operations- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • User will input a number to find out its factorial
  • User will click a <calculate> to calculate the factorial
  • A clear button should be provided to clear the form
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q19. Create a VB project to perform a power function operation. The program will perform following operations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • User will input two numbers one is as number itself and other is as its raising power.
  • User will click a <calculate> to calculate the operation
  • User have to create a function Power (number as first argument, power value as second argument)” which will be activated once the calculate button is clicked.
  • An exit button should be provided to end the program
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

Q.20 Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2
The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.
  • If user input non-numeric value, necessary message should be shown to the user.

E. Programs using Mixed Features

Q.21 Create a visual basic project to display the factorial of an integer number. The number should be inputted with the help of “input box” . Also checks for appropriate errors.

Q.22 Create a visual basic form to input three strings. Provide two click events such that one will show the complete sentence (combinations of the three string) and other will show the lengths of the individual strings as well as the complete string. Provide also an click event to exit the project/program created by you.

Q.23 Create a login form (user name & password.). If user name and password is same then load a second form. In the second form show your login information i.e. user name and password. If not message should be given as “Invalid login” with an exclamation symbol.

Q.24 Create a form to add and remove elements to and from combo box and list box respectively. Also provide clear button to clear them and end the program. The elements name should be given from the keyboard.

Q.25 Create a form to perform to reverse a number given by the user in inputbox. The title of the input box should be “IT VB EXAM-08”. The default value should be 213. Restrict the user show that he can only give numerical value. If he does not provide it, show message as “Please insert integer number.”

Q.26 Create a form with three option buttons such as minimize, maximizeand normal on clicking which form will be minimized, maximized and in normal state. On clicking also give meaningful message to the user.

Q.27 Create a visual basic form to display the pyramid given below.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10

The Level of the pyramid should be inputted through the keyboard.

Q.28 Create a form with three check buttons such as Basic, HRAand DA. On clicking which form user will be provided to enter the respective input otherwise not. If not provided than take the default amount for the respective input as 0 (zero). Provide a click option to find the total amount using the formula----
( Basic %10 ) + ( 2 *HRA) + DA

Q.29 Create a form to input the following information of the Faculties. Such as name, address, salary, age for three persons.Provide search options to search the person having maximum salary, maximum age etc.

Q.30 Create a Visual basic form two input two strings. Give facilities to perform the following operations:
    • Compare the strings
    • Show the length of the strings
    • Lowercase conversion of the strings
    • Uppercase conversion of the strings.

On performing each of the above operation, appropriate message should be provided to the user. E.g. “Strings are successfully converted to uppercase.”

Q.31 Create a Visual Basic form to input a date in (month/day/year) format. Provide facility to show the day, month, yearfrom the given date. Also display the current time.

Q.32 Create a visual basic form to with following menu facilities—
File | Color
----Exit ----Red Color
----Log in ----Green
On Clicking the following buttons operation performed should be-----
    • Exit :- Program should end
    • Log in :- Show a different form
    • Red Color :- Form background should be Red
    • Green :- Form background should be Green
    • Black :- Form background should be Black

Q.33 Create a visual basic form to with following menu facilities—
Date Entry | Color
----Get Date ----Red Color
----Green - ---Black
On Clicking the following buttons operation performed should be-----
    • Get Date :- Get a date in a Input Box. If Date Entered is not valid then show a message
Invalid Date”. If correctly entered than display the day from the given date.
    • Red Color :- Form background should be Red
    • Green :- Form background should be Green
    • Black :- Form background should be Black

F. Programs using Date functions
Q.34 Create a Visual basic Project to input two dates. Give facilities to perform the following operations:
    • Find out the differences between the no of days among two given dates
    • Find out the differences between the no of months among two given dates
    • Find out the differences between the no of years among two given dates.
Q.35 Create a Visual basic form to perform the following operations:
    • A Date Add Calculate Button for the user
    • On clicking the button, user is asked to enter a valid date
    • Then he will be asked to enter option ( month/year/date)
    • Then asked to enter the value to be added
    • Then result will be shown.

Q.36 Create a PC configuration form to perform the following operations as given in the figure below:

Q.37 Create the Payroll form shown below. Number of hours must be entered as well as the appropriate rate. Gross salary = rate * hours. Net salary = gross salary - deductions.

Q.38 Create VB form shown below. Here the use of directories, drivers and files are established.

Q.39 Create a Visual basic project to perform whether two input strings are palindrome or not.
Q.40 Create a Visual basic project to perform whether two input numbers are palindrome or not.
Q.41 Create a Visual basic project to perform the following animation