Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Gauhati University Syllabus for M.Tech. in Information Technology ( M.Tech. IT )

Syllabus for
M.Tech. in Information Technology ( M.Tech. IT )

IT-511 :: Computer Systems
LTPC (3-1-1-5)
Part I: Computer Organization and Architecture
Review of computer organization:  Major subsystems, instruction sets, I/O organization; Instruction Sets; addressing modes; Computer Arithmetic; Processor Logic Design;
Hardwired control unit and Microprogrammed control unit; Memory: Classification and types, paging, segmentation; Input Output System;
Parallel and Pipelining Architectures.
Part II: Operating Systems
Operating System Basics; Memory architecture: Address protection, segmentation, virtual memory, paging, page replacement algorithms, cache memory, memory hierarchy, associative memory; Concurrent process; Scheduling: interrupt mechanism and scheduling algorithms; Deadlock prevention, detection and avoidance; Multiprogramming Concepts; File system management; Secondary storage management.
Part III: Computer Networks
Data representation and transmission, Transmission channels, Signal encoding, Transmission impairments, Transmission media, Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission, Modulation methods, Modems, Multiplexing; Evolution of computer networks: Circuit switching, Packet switching; Network standards and protocols; Data Link Layer; Network Layer; Transport Layer; Application Layer; Local Area Network: Needs, Architecture and Technology, Ethernet.
Part IV: Database Management Systems
Review of Relational model, Relational algebra, and Relational calculus: concepts, schemas, operations, queries, SQL; Semantic modeling: The E-R model, E-R diagrams, design of database with E-R model, Transformation of ER model to relational schema; Normalization and functional dependencies: design guidelines, functional dependencies, normal forms 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF , 4 NF, dependency preservation; Query processing and optimization; Transaction processing; Concurrency control.
Part V: Compiler Design
Introduction: Phases of compiler; Lexical Analysis; Syntax analysis: Grammar representation, Derivation and parse tree, Ambiguity and possible elimination, different parsing techniques; Code generation: Symbol table contents, implementation, Type checking, Syntax directed translation; Code Optimisation: DAG, basic blocks, Common sub-expression elimination, variable propogation, code motion, strength reduction, elimination of dead code, loop optimisation.

Recommended Readings:
  1. B. Govindarajalu; Computer Architecture and Organization; TMH publication.
  2. Richard Y. Kain; Advanced Computer Architecture A systems Design Approach; PHI Publication
  3. William Stallings; Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance; Pearson Education
  4. M. Morris Mano; Computer System Architecture; PHI Publication
  5. A. S. Tanenbaum, A. S. Woodhull; Operating Systems Design and Implementation; PHI
  6. A. S. Tanenbaum; Design of Operating System; Addison Wesley
  7. J. L. Peterson, A. Silberschatz; Operating System concepts; Addison – Wesley
  8. Milenkovic; Operating System concept and design; McGraw Hill
  9. W. Stallings; Operating Systems; PHI
  10. A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin; Operating System Concepts; Addison-Wesley
  11. W. Stallings; Data and Computer Communications; Prentice Hall of India.
  12. A.S Tanenbaum; Computer Networks; Prentice Hall of India.
  13. Kurose, Ross; Computer Networking; Addison Wesley
  14. Prakash C. Gupta; Data Communication; Prentice Hall of India
  15. R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe; Fundamentals of Database Systems; Pearson Education.
  16. C. J. Date; An Introduction To Database Systems; Pearson Education.
  17. D. Stamper, W. Price; Database Design and Management- An Applied Approach; Mcgraw Hill.
  18. C. S. R. Prabhu; Object-Oriented Database Systems- Approaches And Architectures; PHI.
  19. J. D. Ullman; Principles of Database Systems; Galgotia.
  20. Aho, Sethi, Ullman; Compilers, Principles, Techniques, Tools; Pearson Education
  21. A.V.Aho. Ravi Sethi, J.D.Ullman; Introduction to Compiler Construction; Pearson Education.
  22. Holub; Compiler Design in C; P.H.I.
  23. Santanu Chattopadhyay; Compiler Design; P.H.I.
  24. Hunter; The Essence of Compilers; Pearson Education.
IT-512 :: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Algorithm Analysis: Concepts in algorithm analysis, time and space complexity, asymptotic notations, Standard notations and common functions, Asymptotic behaviors of polynomials, relative asymptotic growth, ordering by asymptotic growth rates:
Recurrences: substitution method, iteration method, using Master theorem.
Algorithm Design techniques: Divide and Conquer, Dynamic programming, Greedy Algorithm, Back-tracking, Branch and Bound; Illustration of design techniques by application to some specific problems.
Graph Theoretic Algorithms: Basic concepts of graphs, depth-first search and breadth-first search, Minimum spanning tree; Traveling Salesman Problem.
Theory of NP-Completeness: complexity classes – P, NP. co-NP Reducibility and NP-Complete, NP-Hard.

Recommended readings:
  1. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson and R. L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, Tata-Mcgraw Hill Publishers.
  2. Horowitz and Sahani, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia.
  3. A. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison-Wesley.
  4. S. Baase and Allen Van Gelder, Computer Algorithms-Introduction to Design and Analysis, Pearson Education, LPE.

IT-564:: Speech  Processing

1.    Signals:
    Continuous time, discrete time, digital signals, classification of signals, Energy and power signals, casual and non casual signals.
2.    Continuous time and discrete time systems, static and dynamic systems, linear and non linear systems, time invariant and time variant systems, stable and unstable systems.
3.    Fourier series analysis of continous time periodic signals, Fourior transform, direct function, sampling theorem, anti aliasing filter, signal reconstruction.
4.    Anatomy and physiology of speech production, categorization of speech sound, speech modelling, speech complexity, ceptstrail and non  ceptstrail measures, LCP analysis.
5.    Speech coding
    Quantization- uniform, differential quantization, classification of codes, PCM, DPCM, ADPCM, TM, perametrics of codes, VOCODER, Mixed excited, linear bredfiction MELB, Hybride codes, speech coding standerds: ITU, GSM, AMPECK, IETF etc., speech enhencement.
6.    Types of speech processing -  speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech synthesis tools, like festival, merry etc.

Recommended Readings:
Speech signal processing- Thomas F. Quartier, pearson(singapore)
Speech Production, Analysis and Coding: Talukdar
Signals and systems, P. Ramesh Babu, R. Anand Natrajan
IT-556:: Natural Language Processing
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Introduction to Natural Language Understanding: The study of languages; Applications; evaluating language understanding systems; the different levels of language analysis; Representations, Understanding, and Organization of Systems.
Syntactic Processing: Linguistic Background; Grammars and Parsing; Features and Augmented Grammars; Grammars for Natural Language; Efficient Parsing; Ambiguity Resolution.
Semantic Interpretation: Semantics and Logical Form; Linking Syntax and Semantics; Ambiguity Resolution.
Context and World Knowledge: Knowledge representation and Reasoning; Using World Knowledge; Discourse Structure; Conversational Agents.

Recommended Readings:
  1. James Allen; Natural Language Understanding 2/e; Pearson education.
  2. Christopher D. Manning, Hinrich Schiitze; Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing; Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  3. Daniel Jurafsky, Jame H Martin, James H Martin; Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition; Prentice Hall.
IT-513/523 :: Seminar Course
LTPC (- - - - - - 4)

Each student is to choose a research topic of his interest and will perform Literature Survey on the selected topic.
Each student will have to give three seminar presentations and will have to submit a report as per prescribed format at the time of the last one.
The goal is to motivate the students towards research and build their foundation for research works. Emphasis is on a detailed, systematic and comprehensive Literature Survey.
The evaluation pattern will be as follows:
  1. Seminar 1 (Introductory) : 20%
  2. Seminar 2 (Mid-Term) : 30%
  3. Seminar 3 (End-term) : 50%
IT-521 :: Web Technologies
LTPC (3-0-1-4)
Infrastructure for the WWW; Web Protocols and Standards.
Web Client side: functions and working principle of web browsers, conceptual architecture, designing interactive web front-end with HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Web Server side: web server functionalities, conceptual architecture of web servers, Server-side scripting with database connectivity.
Web Services: Service Oriented Architecture, web services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI; developing application systems using web services.
Extensible Markup Language (XML): Elements, Attributes and DTD; XSL; Developing XML based web applications.
Advanced Web Technologies: DCOM, CORBA, EJB, AJAX, ISAPI, WAP.
Web Security: Firewalls, Proxy servers, HTPS for secure web communication.

Recommended Readings:
  1. Elliotte Rusty Harold; XML 1.1 Bible; Wiley India.
  2. Oliver, Dick; SAMS Teach Yourself Html 4 in 24 Hours; Techmedia.
  3. Ashbacher, Charles; SAMS Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours; Techmedia.
  4. SAMS Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours; Techmedia.
  5. SAMS Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours; Techmedia.
  6. Lehnert, Wendy. G.; Web 101 making the ‘Net for you; Pearson Education.
  7. Sebesta, Robert; World Wide Web Programming.
  8. www.w3c.org
  9. www.w3schools.com
  10. www.enterprosejavaworld.com
  11. All latest online documentations from WWW.

IT-522 :: Information Theory and Coding
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Part I: Information Theory
Elementary Probability: Events, Conditional probability, Independence; Random variables and expected, or average, value; The Law of Large Numbers.
Information and Entropy: Information quantification; Naming the units, Information connecting two events; Systems of events and mutual information; Entropy; Information and entropy.
Channels and Channel Capacity: Discrete memoryless channels, Input frequencies, Channel capacity.
Coding Theory: Encoding and decoding, Prefix-condition codes and the Kraft-McMillan inequality; Huffman’s algorithm; Error correction, maximum likelihood decoding, nearest code word decoding, and reliability; Shannon’s Noisy Channel Theorem; Error correction with binary symmetric channels and equal source frequencies; The information rate of a code.
Part II: Data Compression
Lossless Data Compression by Replacement Schemes: Replacement via encoding scheme, Review of the prefix condition, choosing an encoding scheme; Shannon’s method, Fano’s method, Huffman’s algorithm; The Noiseless Coding Theorem and Shannon’s bound.
Arithmetic Coding; Higher-order Modeling; Adaptive Methods; Dictionary Methods.

Recommended Readings:
  1. Darrel Hankerson, Greg A. Harris, Peter D. Johnson, Jr.; Introduction to Information Theory and Data Compression, 2/E; Chapman & Hall/CRC.
  2. Robert B. Ash; Information Theory; Dover Publications.
  3. Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas; Elements of Information Theory, 2/E; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  4. David J.C. MacKay; Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms; Cambridge.
  5. Hamming R.W.; Coding and information theory, 2/e; Prentice Hall.

IT-531 :: Advanced Database Management Systems
LTPC (3-0-1-4)

Review of Relational model, relational algebra, relational calculus and SQL
Review of Semantic modeling: introduction, E-R model, E-R diagrams, design of database with E-R model, Transformation of ER model to relational schema.
Normalization and functional dependencies: design guidelines, functional dependencies; normal forms; dependency-preserving property, lossless join property, algorithms to ensure dependency -preserving property and lossless join property
System implementation techniques: Query processing and optimization; Transaction processing; Concurrency control; Database recovery; Security and authentication;
Object oriented database systems: Concepts of object-oriented databases; Standards, languages and design; Object relational database systems.
Distributed databases: Concepts; Data fragmentation, replication, and allocation techniques; Types of distributed database systems; Query processing in distributed databases; Overview of concurrency control and recovery in distributed databases.
Image, multimedia, and spatial databases: Concepts of Image, multimedia, and spatial databases; Content-based indexing and retrieval, Indexing techniques- R trees, R+ trees, KD trees.

Recommended Readings:
  1. R. Elmasri; S. B. Navathe; Fundamentals of Database Systems; Pearson Education.
  2. C. J. Date; An Introduction To Database Systems; Pearson Education.
  3. D. Stamper, W. Price; Database Design And Management- An Applied Approach; Mcgraw Hill.
  4. C. S. R. Prabhu; Object-Oriented Database Systems- Approaches And Architectures; PHI.
  5. J. D. Ullman; Principles of Database Systems; Galgotia.

IT-539 :: Cryptography and Computer Security
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Part I: Cryptography
Overview: Services, Mechanisms and Attacks; The OSI security architecture; Security Models.
Classical Encryption: Symmetric Cipher Model; Substitution Techniques; Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard; Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis; Block Cipher Design Principles; Block Cipher modes of Operation.
Finite Fields: Review of Groups, Rings, Fields and Modular Arithmetic.
Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption.
Review of Number Theory.
Public Key Cryptography: Principles of Public Key Encryption; the RSA algorithm; Key Management.
Message Authentication and Hash Functions: Authentication Requirements, Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Hash Functions, Hash Algorithms.
Digital Signature and Authentication Protocols: Digital Signatures; Authentication Protocols; Digital Signature Standard.
Part II: Security Applications and Protocols
Authentication Applications: Kerberos.
Email Security: PGP, S/MIME.
IP Security: Overview, IPSec architecture.
Web Security: SSL and Transport Layer Security; HTTPS.
System Security: Intrusion Detection; Malicious Software- Threats and Countermeasures; Firewalls- Design Principles.

Recommended Readings:
  1. William Stallings; Cryptography and Network Security- Principles and Practice, 3/e; Pearson Education.
  2. Atul Kahate; Cryptography and Network Security- 2/e; Tata McGraw Hills.
  3. Behrouz A. Forouzan; Cryptography & Network Security; Tata McGraw Hills.
        1. Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone; Handbook of Applied Cryptography; CRC Press.

IT-542:: Digital Image Processing
LTPC (3-0-1-4)
Introduction: Definition, origin and use of Digital Image Processing.
Digital Image Fundamentals: Elements of Visual Perception, Image Sensing, Acquisition, Sampling, Quantization.
Image enhancement in the Spatial Domain; Image enhancement in the Frequency Domain.
Image restoration; color image processing.
Wavelets and Multiresolution processing.
Image Compression.
Image Segmentation.

Recommended Readings:
  1. Rafel C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods; Digital Image Processing, 2/e; Pearson Education.
  2. Nick Efford; Digital Image Processing: a practical introduction using Java; Addison Wesley/Pearson Education.
  3. Douglas A. Lyon; Image Processing in Java; PHI.

IT-544:: Distributed Systems
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Introduction: definition, goals, types.
Architectures: Centralized, decentralized and hybrid systems; Middleware.
Processes: Threads, virtualization, clients, servers, code migration.
Communication: Remote Procedure Call, Message Oriented communication, Stream Oriented communication, Multicast communication.
Naming: Names, Identifiers and Addresses; Flat naming, Structured Naming, Attribute-based naming.
Synchronization: Physical clock synchronization, Logical Clock synchronization; Mutual Exclusion, Election Algorithms.
Consistency and Replication: Introduction; Consistency models and Protocols; Replica Management.
Fault Tolerance: Introductory concepts, failure models. Reliable client-server communication, Reliable group communication; Distributed commit; Recovery.
Distributed Object-based Systems: Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming, Synchronization.
Distributed File Systems: characteristics of file systems, distributed file system requirements, File service architecture; detailed case study of Sun Network File System (NFS).

Recommended Readings:
  1. Tanenbaum & Steen; Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms, 2/e; Pearson Education.
  2. Coulouris, Dollimore & Kindberg; Distributed Systems Concepts and Design, 3/e; Pearson Education.

IT-521 :: Electronic Commerce Technologies
LTPC (3-0-1-4)
Introduction: Definition, advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce.
Business Models of E-commerce: Models based on relationship of transaction parties; Models based on relationship of transaction types.
Technological infrastructure: The Internet Client-Server applications; software agents; search engine technology; XML; Internet standards and specifications.
E-marketing: traditional marketing versus online marketing; e-advertising, e-branding; Marketing strategies.
E-Security: security on the Internet; Risk management issues.
Cryptography in E-commerce: Public-key encryption, private-key encryption; Hash functions; digital signatures, digital signature certificates; security protocols.
E-Payment systems: Digital payment requirements, risks involved; Digital token-based payment systems; Electronic Cash, Electronic Cheque; Designing e-payment systems; E-payment protocols like iKP.
E-commerce customer relationship management; E-commerce supply chain management.
Mobile commerce: Growth; technologies; WAP.
Legal, ethical and social issues of Electronic Commerce; E-governance.

Recommended Readings:
    1. P T Joseph, S. J.; E- commerce: An Indian Perspective 2/e; PHI.

  1. Laudon, K. C. & Traver, C. G.; E-Commerce Business, Technology, Society; Addison Wesley.
  2. Ince, Darrel; Developing Distributed and E-commerce Applications; Addison Wesley.
  3. Ashbacher, Charles; SAMS Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours; Techmedia.
  4. Rayport, Jeffrey & Jaworski, Bernard; ECommerce; Burr ridge, IL: Irwin / McGraw-Hill.
  5. Stallings, William; Cryptography and Network Security: principles and Practice; Prentice Hall.
  6. The Internet (WWW) is to be used as a source of up-to-date reading materials for topics related to e-commerce.

IT-551 :: Internet Protocols
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Introduction: Protocols, Standards and Organizations, Internet Standards, Internet Administration.
Brief review of the OSI model and the TCP/IP Protocol suit; IP versions.
IP Addresses: Classfull and Classless addressing; Delivery, forwarding and routing of IP packets.
Address Resolution Protocols ARP and RARP; The Internet Protocol IP; Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP); Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP); User Datagram Protocol (UDP); Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).
Unicast routing Protocols; Multicast Routing Protocols.
Naming and Configuration: BOOTP, DHCP, NAT, DNS.
Remote Login: TELNET.
File Transfer: FTP, TFTP.
Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, IMAP.
Network Management: SNMP.
World Wide Web: HTTP.
Multimedia Transmission Protocols: RTP, VOIP.

Recommended Readings:
  1. Behrouz A. Forouzan; TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 3/e; Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Eric A. Hall; Internet Core Protocols: The Definitive Guide; O’Reilly.
  3. Douglas E. Comer; Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architectures; PHI.

IT-553 :: Linux Kernel
LTPC (3-0-1-4)

Introduction: overview of Linux Versus Other Unix-Like Kernels, Linux Versions, Basic Operating System Concepts, the Unix Filesystem, Unix Kernels.
Memory Addressing: Memory Addresses, Segmentation, Paging.
Processes: Process Descriptor; Switching, Creating and Destroying Processes.
Interrupts and Exceptions; Timing Measurements.
Memory Management; Process Address Space.
System Calls: System Call Handler and Service Routines.
Signals: The Role of Signals; Sending and Receiving a Signal; Real-Time Signals.
Process Scheduling: Scheduling Policy, Algorithms, System Calls.
Overview of Kernel Synchronization.
The Virtual Filesystem: The Role of the VFS, VFS Data Structures, Filesystem Mounting, Pathname Lookup, Implementations of VFS System Calls.
Managing I/O Devices: I/O Architecture, Associating Files with I/O Devices, Device Drivers.
Disk Caches; Accessing Regular Files; Swapping; The Ext2 Filesystem; Process Communication Program Execution.

Recommended Readings:
  1. Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati; Understanding the Linux Kernel; O'Reilly.
  2. Robert Love; Linux Kernel Development; Pearson Education, Inc.
  3. C. S. Rodriguez, G. Fischer, S. Smolski; The Linux Kernel Primer; Pearson Education.
  4. Neil Matthew, Richard Stones; Beginning Linux Programming; Wiley Publishing, Inc.

  1. IT-560 :: Real Time Systems
LTPC (3-1-0-4)
Basic Real-Time Concepts: Terminology, Real-Time System Design Issues, Example Real-Time Systems.
Hardware Considerations: Basic Architecture, Hardware Interfacing, Central Processing Unit, Memory, Input/Output, Enhancing System Performance.
Real-Time Operating Systems: Real-Time Kernels, Theoretical Foundations of Real-Time Operating Systems, Intertask Communication and Synchronization, Memory Management.
Software Engineering for Real-Time systems: Requirements Specification for Real-Time Systems; Properties of Software, Software System Design.
Performance Analysis And Optimization: Theoretical Preliminaries- Challenges in Analyzing Real-Time Systems; Performance Analysis; I/O Performance; Performance Optimization; Compiler Optimization; Analysis of Memory Requirements; Reducing Memory Utilization.
Engineering Considerations: Faults, Failures, and Bugs; Fault-Tolerance.
Recommended Readings:
  1. Phillip A. Laplante; Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis, 3/E; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Albert M. K. Cheng; Real-Time Systems Scheduling, Analysis, And Verification; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  3. Rob Williams; Real-Time Systems Development; Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier)
  4. Edited by Mathai Joseph; Real-time Systems Specification, Verification and Analysis; Prentice Hall International, London.
  5. Ionescu, Dan.; Real-time Systems: Modeling, Design, and Applications; World Scientific Publishing Co.

Monday, 4 May 2015

ASTU: Object Oriented Computer Programming in C++ Lab


1.    Write a C++ program to display “HELLO WORLD”.
2.    Write a C++ program that will ask the temperature in Fahrenheit and display in Celsius
3.    Write a C++ program to print the following output using for loop.
    2    2
    3    3    3
    4    4    4    4

4.    Write a C++ program to reverse a number using do-while loop
5    Write a C++ program to find out the factorial of a number using while loop
6.    Write a C++ program to read an integer array and display it.
7.    Write a C++ program to read a character array and display it.
8.    Write a C++ program to find out the maximum of three number using if-else statement


1.    Write a C++ program to implement the concept of static data member in class.
2.    Write a C++ program to implement the concept of static function in class.
3.    Write a C++ program using function with default argument.
4.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of objects as function arguments (which performs the addition of time in the hour and minutes format)
5.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of friend function.
6.    Write a C++ program to illustrate how an object can be created (within a function) and returned to another function
7.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of constructors and destructors.
8.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of copy constructor.


1.    Write a C++ program to implement single inheritance (private/public)
2.    Write a C++ program to implement multilevel inheritance
3.    Write a C++ program to implement multiple inheritances.
4.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of virtual base class.


1.    Write a C++ program to overload unary minus operator
2.    Write a C++ program to overload binary „+‟ operator
3.    Write a C++ program to illustrate how an operator can be overloaded using friend function.
4.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of run time polymorphism.


1.    Write a C++ program to swap two variable using function template


1.    Write a C++ program to implement try(), catch(), throw() function.


1.    Write a C++ program to implement this pointer
2.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of pointers to derived objects
3.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of virtual function
4.    Write a C++ program to open and close a file using open(), close() function
5.    Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of read(), write() function